

Food and beverage trends in 2023

According to FrieslandCampina Professional’s latest Global Trends Report, three trends will drive food and beverage in 2023. Find out more about western wonders, conscious curiosity and sensory novelty here


FrieslandCampina Professional’s fifth annual trend report revealed three global industry trends. These are:

1. Western wonders
2. Conscious curiosity
3. Sensory novelty


Within these three macro trends, FrieslandCampina’s 2023 trend report also highlights eight elemental micro trends that it has translated into solutions for industrial production.


Western wonders


The so-called “wonders of the West” are a combination of culinary influences from the West and the East.


According to FrieslandCampina, we are seeing a shift between culinary boundaries faster than ever before.


One example of this mentioned in the report is “Frasian Patsry”, a fusion of French and Asian flavors. This trend is said to have emerged when Asian chefs returned from studying in France and began experimenting with classic pastries, French techniques, and local ingredients.


The meringue pandan croissant is presented as an example of this hybrid creation – a light, crispy croissant filled with soft meringue and topped with pandan, a juice derived from the leaves of a tropical plant that grows in abundance in Southeast Asia.


Conscious curiosity


Increasing concern about our ecological footprint and our own health remains a focus for consumers.


FrieslandCampina states that the public expects “lighter versions of their favorite dishes to retain the flavor they are known for” – in other words, products with fewer calories.


This inclination indicates an interesting shift towards brands that fully integrate these new opportunities and offer new solutions in plant-based options or full vegan substitutes, and more importantly, do so in the most environmentally friendly way possible.


In line with this trend and rising prices, more and more consumers are opting for plant-based options.


One of the micro-trends identified by FrieslandCampina is egg-free pasta. Traditionally, they are made from egg whites, but as the price of eggs is rising, alternatives offer an attractive solution.


Sensory novelty


The sensory novelty trend is partly driven by the loss of the senses. Following the pandemic, many have experienced some level of anosmia and an inability to taste.


According to the Sensory Trust, a leading authority on inclusive and sensory design, while most people rely on sight the most to understand the world around them, it is touch and smell that give us “the most meaningful and memorable experiences.”


The FrieslandCampina report confirms this: “Sensory experiences are at the heart of our happiness,” it says.


“Someone who has experienced a loss of smell and taste for a while could relate to this better than anyone.”


According to the report, consumers are increasingly looking for new sensational dishes that can activate their senses in new ways. This trend sees contrasting flavors, textures, and temperatures brought by brand-new versions of edibles and specialty food ideas that turn eating into a new adventure.


In fact, the Puratos Taste Tomorrow study, which surveyed 44 countries, found that 67% of respondents want to try innovative products with a fluffy or creamy taste, or a chewy or crunchy bite.


“As we enter the new year, the food industry must continue to adapt and evolve to meet the changing needs of consumers and the market. From sustainable sourcing and plant-based options to advances in technology, the food industry is poised for innovation and growth in 2023,” said Jules Kramer, Global Industry Marketing Director, FrieslandCampina Professional.




The FrieslandCampina Trends Report 2023 is based on data from FrieslandCampina’s intelligence services, such as market research and global studies, as well as on the expertise of internal industry experts and its own research.