GEA centrifuges & separation equipment





Rapid and clean processes, high yields and excellent product quality – our customers benefit in many ways with our machines and process lines in a very wide range of different applications.
Our separators used in the meat industry for dry and wet rendering separate even the smallest micro-residues from the fats and are thus able to recover pure fat in extremely high quality. GEA also supplies separators for the efficient production of blood plasma and blood meal, for the recovery of valuable protein hydrolyzate as well as for gelatin production. Abattoirs are also able to considerably boost their added value by means of processing flotation sludge.

GEA separators for the fish industry are installed downstream the decanter stage and remove extremely small remaining particles from the oil phase. Compliance with maximum purity standards as a result of the hygienic design of the complete process means that first-class fish oil in food quality can also be recovered.

If customers decide to use our separators, they benefit not only from fully automated processes. As a result of the stainless steel design of all components which come into contact with product and also as a result of automatic chemical cleaning, our process lines permit safe and sanitary production whilst complying with maximum hygiene standards. The innovative hydrostop system for highly concentrated solids discharge ensures minimum product losses in the separator stage.

  • Міцна конструкція для максимальної надійності
  • Гідрогерметична подача для дбайливого ставлення до продукту
  • Оптимізований стек дисків для найкращої якості олії
  • Дуже велика площа освітлення для оптимального полірування білкової фази і, таким чином, дуже чистого білкового гідролізату
  • Харчова конструкція: кожух, уловлювач твердих частинок і чаша виготовлені з нержавіючої сталі
  • Самоочищувальна чаша забезпечує повністю автоматичне очищення на місці (CIP)