Русланов Костянтин Георгійович
Process automation engineer
20 years of experience in process automation
Higher education, Kharkiv Aviation Institute
Significant projects
- Modernisation of the grain soaking, germination and drying department at the malt plant.
- Automation of the sugar syrup production unit. Adding sugar syrup to the product.
- Automation of brewing procedures at beer and non-alcoholic beverage production plants.
- Automation of pasteurisation plants at beer and milk production plants.
- Automation of deaerated and disciplined water production plants.
- Automation of elevator complexes and grain dryers.
- Automation of solid fuel and natural gas boilers.
- Automation of steam boilers.
- Automation of packaging production machines.
- Automation of systems for adding antioxidants and preservatives to bulk products.
- Automation of fermentation units – CCT.
- Automation of filtration and separation equipment.