Beneo launches an ingredient that helps reduce sugar and increase fiber content

As manufacturers strive to improve the nutritional value of the foods they produce, few areas have garnered as much attention in recent years as reducing sugar content.
When reducing the amount of sweetener needed, consumer goods companies must consider how removing sugar affects the texture, texture, color, and shelf life of their products. The more options companies have when creating a new product or changing the ingredient composition of an existing product, the closer they can come to creating a product that mirrors the original product but is healthier.
Fifty-seven percent of consumers recently said that “low sugar” claims influence their purchasing decisions, Beneo said in a press release. Beneo-scL85, according to the company, will allow more of its customers to respond to this trend by developing new products or changing formulations.
According to Grandview Research, the global market for reduced sugar foods and beverages reached $46.18 billion in 2021. It is projected to grow at a CAGR of 8.9% between 2022 and 2030, largely driven by increasing demand for healthy foods and low-sugar beverages.
The ability to reduce sugar consumption is not the only advantage of Beneo-scL85. According to Beneo, it not only helps replace sugar, but also adds dietary fiber. The result is a stronger nutritional profile for the product, allowing manufacturers to achieve a healthier offering.
Beneo-scL85 “is a valuable addition to Beneo’s portfolio as it increases flexibility and availability for our customers,” said Eric Neven, commercial managing director of functional fibers at Beneo. This will “further ensure supply to meet the high demand for sugar reduction solutions.”
Even when consumers are looking to reduce the amount of sugar they eat or drink on a daily basis, most people are well over the recommended amount.
The American Heart Association estimates that men should consume no more than 9 teaspoons of added sugar per day; for women, the figure is lower at 6 teaspoons. What people typically consume on a daily basis is much higher. American adults consume about 17 teaspoons of sugar daily, which is 2-3 times the recommended amount for men and women, respectively, according to the health group.